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Don't Let "IT" Kill You

After watching the movie "It" by Stephen King, I noticed how the spirit of fear destroyed the town and attempted to destroy seven characters in the film. To paint a picture of the movie "IT," I'll give a brief synopsis. "One summer an ancient shape-shifting evil clown returned to feed on children's fears in a small town in Maine until seven outcasts band together and overcome their fears in hopes to defeat the evil clown. The movie spoke to me in so many ways as it relates to fear and overcoming "IT." The following paragraphs will explain how the spirit of FEAR will try to stop one from reaching their goals, purpose, and living life. defines fear as a distressing emotion that arose from impending danger, evil, pain; whether the threat is real or imagined resulting in the feeling of being afraid. In the movie the clown in which the characters named "IT," could only kill, destroy, and eat kids that surrender to their fear. Once the characters realized that to defeat "IT," they could not let their fears hinder them, and they must work together. So... What's Your "IT"? What's your fear? Many times we are being fearful but think we are cautious. As believers we were not given the spirit of fear, this is a good thing to remember when the spirit of fear shows itself. I am not saying you should not to use wisdom when trying to overcome a different situation in life, of course, let the Holy Spirit guide you in the correct direction. Just remember the fear that you are facing is nothing to fear at all because we are in the hands of the Father.

2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Psalm 23: 1, 4

(1) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.) (4) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

In the Bible, cities were defeated, and wars were won, by armies. Jesus sent disciples out in two to tell the good news. In the movie, the kids were hopeless alone. If the evil spirit could get one of the kids alone, the kid will be close to death until his friends arrived. Are you trying to concord something in life alone? Are you seeking wise counsel or a mentor, for advice? To defeat fear, you will need support. It's difficult for individuals to do life alone.

Facing fear alone can be terrifying. When we depend only on people, fear still can conquer and win. To be successful, you will need to know Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior. How? Below are three scriptures that explain how to accept Christ Jesus into your heart. Followed by a prayer.

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